Egyptian Ceremonial Soul Healing

Egyptian Ceremonial Soul Energy Healing is very similar to the Soul to Soul healing journeys that I provide. This is a completely safe and brand new way of healing where I take your soul into mine until we emerge as one and become each other. Once we are connected soul to soul I will understand everything you are experiencing and what needs healing right back to the deepest cause of all problems during your life time and any past lifetimes. If it is found that any issues go back to a past life then I will perform your soul healing on you as you were in that past life.   

This very powerful and effective ceremonial healing is done during a ceremony where I will connect to and be assisted by the highest ancient gods and goddesses of Egypt whilst using the purest sacred oils. Together we will bring you the most sacred and profound healing. Your ceremony which will be tailored especially for you will be performed with the addition of a soul journey, spells, candle magic and more.

This ceremony will often include other healings such as past life, soul retrieval, inner child healing, detachment removal and acceptance of the self. This healing ceremony is very effective as it really does delve deep into the very roots of any problems from when your soul’s life began. Each session will be tailored to you and your needs and your journey will be created especially for you. This is a very deep and profound spiritual healing where two souls are joined as one to provide healing to any areas of emotional and physical concern.


A guide of my prices are ~

Egyptian Ceremonial Soul Healing

1 Hour – £60.00

90 Minutes – £85.00

A Course Of Egyptian Ceremonial Soul Healing Sessions

4 x 1 Hour Sessions – £235.00

6 x 1 Hour Sessions – £350.00



Please follow me on social media for demonstrations and offers...