Here are the Psychic Readings I offer. In my readings I am able to offer and use, tarot cards, angel tarot cards, angel and oracle cards, the crystal ball and the pendulum. I can also work as a natural psychic with no tools. I provide both face to face in person readings and also remote readings by distance for those who can not attend a reading in person for what ever reason.
I am a clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairsentient (clear feeling) psychic medium who is very sensitive to other people’s feelings and energy. I can use the tarot, angel tarot and oracle cards to assist me and you with your readings and to also enhance my intuition and connection. I can also use the pendulum for those yes and no answers and to see the energy surrounding a situation or question. Also spirit has come through to me and my clients through the pendulum while going more in depth during a reading. I also use a crystal ball for further insight, information and enhanced energy during a reading. I am also very happy to provide natural psychic readings if you would prefer me not to use any tools and just use my intuition and natural psychic abilities. It is also quite common for spirit and loved ones to come through to me and a client during a psychic reading.
You can expect an honest and empathetic reading from me. The guidance I aim to give in my readings will help to make you feel more at ease and ready to face any problems or queries you may have. The most important thing is free will, I can give you advice and guidance but any decision is ultimately yours. A reading is there not to tell you what to do but to empower you to make a decision which is best for you.
The types of readings I offer include:~
Face To Face Readings, Telephone Readings, Skype Readings, Email Readings, Photograph House and Object Readings, Text, Messenger and WhatsApp Readings, Private Psychic Parties and more…
A guide to my prices are listed below : ~
Face To Face, Telephone and Video Readings (Skype, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp)
20 minutes – £25.00
30 minutes – £30.00
1 Hour – £50.00
90 minutes – £75.00
Combined Reading and Healing
You will receive a reading and healing together during the same appointment.
90 minutes – £75.00
Email Readings
These are lengthy readings that are accompanied by a picture of your card spread that are sent to you via email which you can download and/or print to keep and refer back to.
Standard Reading 800+ words – £20.00
Full Reading 1200+ words – £30.00
Intense Reading 1500+ words – £40.00
12 Months Reading 2000+ words – £50.00
Photograph, House and Object Readings
All you need to do is send a natural, unfiltered and unaltered picture or selfie of yourself or of any item from a house to a piece of jewellery and I will provide a reading tuning into the energy around you, your item or your house.
Standard Reading 800+ words – £20.00
Long Reading 1200+ words – £30.00
In-depth Reading 1500+ words – £40.00
Text, Messenger and WhatsApp Readings
I can provide a reading over messenger and other social media platforms which is similar to an email reading where your reading will be sent along with a picture of your card spread to you over messenger, WhatsApp and other social media rather than to an email address.
Standard Reading 800+ words – £20.00
Full Reading 1200+ words – £30.00
Intense Reading 1500+ words – £40.00
12 Months Reading 2000+ words – £50.00
Private Psychic Party Readings both in person at your own home or at a venue of your choice. Minimum of people 4 and maximum of 12 people.
I can provide a Psychic Reading Party where I will read for everyone individually. These parties can be for anything from a group of friends and work colleagues to any other occasion that may be required. A three month’s notice is advised for your party booking as you will more likely get the date that you require. All other readings are booked as usual which do not need any notice given.
The Host who books the party – £10.00
Other people – £25.00 per person. Each reading is for 15-20 minutes.
Please follow me on social media for demonstrations and offers...