The Enlightened Souls Circle Membership is a psychic and healing circle. It is a wonderful and safe space where we will discuss and practice all things psychic and spiritual together. There will be two one hour meetings every month on the first and third Tuesday on the Facebook group Enlightened Souls Circle. There will also be a catch up for those who are unable to attend.
Each meeting will be held by myself where I will channel knowledge directly from spirit so no two meetings will ever be the same. We will be looking at a variety of things such as psychic and mediumship awareness, the paranormal, spiritual journeying, meditation, the eight seasons of the year, connecting to nature, flowers, herbs and much more.
These meetings will be initially held online. You will be invited to join the private and closed Facebook group, Enlightened Souls Circle where we will interact more and receive support from each other. You can join any time of the year.
You will also receive….
~ a free reading at the beginning of every month ~
~ 5% off all services and purchases ~
~ spiritual emails ~
~ spiritual Journeys ~
~ spiritual guidance ~
~ and much much more ~
Monthly fee : ~
£80.00 (with free reading)
£60.00 (without free reading)
Please follow me on social media for demonstrations and offers...